We will begin with an open conversation that lasts one or two sessions where we try to understand where you are in life right now, what may need attention, and if you and I are a good fit for working together. Once we have a basic understanding of your concerns and have established that we are a good fit (it feels to you like I get you enough, and I feel that I can be of help), I will bring in my perspective on the situation along with some treatment recommendations. Naturally, we will focus on the specific symptoms and life difficulties that brought you in, but with an eye to the deepest parts, which, in my experience, allow for deepest change and greatest insight. Ideally, you will leave our work with a sense of greater freedom, both internally and externally. Sometimes medications can play a role in relieving symptoms, and I may recommend them when appropriate. 

 There are three things I love about my work: 

  1. I love introducing people to the complexity of their own minds. Without slow and careful inspection, it can be hard to appreciate how many concurrent systems we have running and how much depth we all live with and manage, sometimes consciously, sometimes not. 
  2.  I love how alive and honest therapy can be, with change occurring in momentary interactions. 
  3. My third favorite thing about psychotherapy is that it is a form of applied philosophy, where we circle two long-debated questions: how to make sense of the world we live in; and how to live a meaningful life within it.
I am an in-network provider for Stanford Health Care Alliance. If you have another insurance plan, you may be eligible for full or partial reimbursement from your insurance plan as an out-of-network provider. Please note: I do not take other forms of insurance at present, despite what lists from insurance companies may report.